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FAQ to Enter Your Horse

Listing your Horse Instructions

***Please have everything before you upload your horse’s information, including  photos and videos of your horse.


  • HORSES REGISTRATION PAPERS.  (If your horse is registered, please list his pedigree up to 3 generations.)
  • PHOTOS – You can use up to 5 photos of your horse to upload at the time you list your horse.  Try not to upload large images.  To compress and resize your images, please use a Free Online Tool at Adobe. If you need to EDIT your pictures or add more, please see our instructions.
  • VIDEOS – You can upload a video of your horse.  Best way is to upload it to YOUTUBE, then copy and paste the link.
  • AGE – Age of your horse.
  • DESCRIPTION – A good description of your horse and what you want to say about him.
  • PLEASE Leave the LOT NO. blank.  We will assign that later on.

Once your horse has been submitted, your horse will have to be approved and the following needs to be done.

  1. Sales Management needs to approve your horse, once it is listed.
  2. Please send the Consignment Form with your Contact info.
  3. Please send in check or credit card info for the Catalog Fee
  4. Original Horse Registration Papers must be sent in.

Mail Info to:

Todd Stevie
PO Box 1595
Pinedale, WY 82941

For more info please call  307-367-6507 or email us.